Greenkey: Empowering Business Transformation and Boosting Productivity with Salesforce


Greenkey is a specialized company in solar plant design. As its growth accelerated, it became evident that a robust platform was needed to effectively manage clients, offers, and projects.

In 2020, with only 2 employees, the company relied on Excel spreadsheets to handle client interactions, offers, and project management. However, it soon became apparent that this approach had its limitations. After conducting a thorough analysis of the company’s situation and requirements, YouY devised and implemented a project that leveraged Salesforce for Greenkey.

This strategic move not only addressed the existing challenges but also paved the way for streamlined operations and enhanced efficiency. With Salesforce, Greenkey is now equipped with a comprehensive platform that empowers them to thrive in their industry.

Logo Greenkey
The solution
icona anagrafiche clienti
Customer data management
Icona gestione processo
Customer acquisition process management
Icona tracciamenti
Tracking of potential jobs
Icona offerte
Building offers
icona di conferma
Project confirmation
icona gestione progetto
Project management from initial phase to completion
Icona gestione servizio
After-sales service management and maintenance subscriptions

Salesforce adapts to the unique project requirements

During the initial project analysis phase, we encountered requirements that didn’t align perfectly with Salesforce’s standard solution. However, we were able to meet these requirements through the flexibility of Salesforce, utilizing custom configurations and workflows. Time-consuming tasks that burdened users were automated.

From the very beginning, the system was designed with a scalable architecture, allowing processes to handle workloads ranging from 2 to 20 seamlessly. This decision, although it took a bit more time during the planning phase, proved to be successful.


Greenkey has transitioned from:

2 employees before YOUY

12 employees after YOUY


Employee growth in 3 years


Results achieved with Salesforce Partner

As a result, Greenkey is now able to meet project and proposal requests in less time compared to the past. There are no longer issues with having grey areas like notes taken on salespeople’s agendas or emails saved only in certain mailboxes or files scattered across different PCs.

Greenkey has full control over negotiations and projects, which increases efficiency and productivity in the company.

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Case History

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